
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Support our Teachers! Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2.

Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6. We are planning a “Sweets Day” on Wednesday, May 4. We are asking anyone that can help to bring in any kind of sweets, such as cupcakes, cakes, pies, brownies or cookies to show our appreciation of our teachers and staff on that day. Please drop off your sweets Wednesday morning at drop-off, sweets can be store-bought or homemade.  Thanks for your support!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Annual Clothing and Toiletry Drive

There are children at our school who don’t have enough clothes to wear. Yes, at our school. Would you like to help make sure those kids have enough? Your PTSA would like to make a difference, but we need a lot of help.

HOW CAN YOU HELP?  The PTSA will be having a clothing drive the week of April 26-29.  Start clearing out your closets of gently used clothes, shoes, jackets, accessories or any items a middle schooler may need. Remember our kids come in ALL shapes and sizes and keep in mind our school dress code. Bag your donations and drop them off at the car circle in the MORNING only, APRIL 26-29. Or if your child is a bus rider, there will be a donation bin at the bus circle. Donations can be brought to the front office anytime during the school day of that same week. We cannot accept donations before then because of storage limitations. Bring hangers if you have some to spare.

WHAT OTHER ITEMS DO THE KIDS NEED? Shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine pads (no tampons), soap, lotions. Small hotel toiletries are great!

HOW DO THE KIDS GET THE CLOTHES? Our administrators, teachers and counselors will determine who these children are. They will be given an “invitation to shop” during a specific time at the PTSA Store that will be set up and run by parent volunteers ON MAY 4TH, 5TH AND 6TH. The kids will be able to try clothes on and choose what items they want or need. This will be kept very private and discrete respecting our students. Their items will be discretely bagged and they can place them in their lockers to bring home at the end of the day.

CAN YOU VOLUNTEER? We have many opportunities to help with this worthwhile project. We need volunteers to collect items at the car circle, sort through clothes, setting up the store and working the store during shopping hours. Please email or if you can help. If you know a student who is in need at our school, contact the guidance counselors at their emails on the school website or call the school at 724-1400.

This was a big success last year and made many of our students happy and proud to come to school! All items not used will be donated to the Neighborhood Family Center right here in Safety Harbor. They are always in need of donations of this kind in addition to baby clothes and diapers.

PTSA Chair Members and Board Members Needed

Even though your child may not say it, they still want you around. While the volunteer opportunities are not as numerous as at the elementary level, we still need you to help in many and various ways. One of the best ways to stay involved and to have input is working as a member of our PTSA Board. We have several openings for Chair Members and Board Members for next year. These positions need to be filled before the end of this school year. If you have any interest, please e-mail us at

We would love for you to be able to work alongside our current PTSA Board so that you can have access to their valuable knowledge. We look forward to hearing from you.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Seeking Nominations for 2011/2012 PTSA Board

If you are interested in being a SHMS PTSA Board Member, please email
There will be several openings for board members and committee chairpersons.  Please consider working with us. 

Upcoming PTSA Sponsored Events

Dance! Thursday, April 21 - 4:30 PM

Clothing Drive: Donations accepted the Week of April 26.  Drop off available mornings at the car circle.  Donations can also be left in the front office.

Principal and Honor Roll Parties: 6th-May 10, 7th-May 12, 8th-May 13

Successful Seahawk Breakfast: May 19